Friday 31 October 2014

Ebola and Poverty

For today's blog I would like to discuss a current topic and very important in my opinion. 

We have all heard in the news about the Ebola disease in Spain, Europe and USA.

In Spain we have alarmed by an infected person and a dead dog(the dead of this dog isn't right in any case).Also I  have to say that this woman was infected by helping another person and then the politicians will say that it was his fault.(Many of these politicians don't know English and can't translate anything, these politicians are forced to study English to everyone, it is INCREDIBLE)

To continue the blog in the less developped countries already several months and years there are deaths every day and at all hours by Ebola , but the worst disease in the world is that children six years old, die of hunger.

We can't allow us to have so much food and in the third world don't have food all day.

On the one hand we know that in these countries there is a lot of money on diamonds and gold, but where is that money?

On the other hand with all the things we have in the most developped countries I don't understand how we can't help these people.

In these countries every day there are more people with ebola and many people are dying in very bad conditions but in the news I don't see information about this.

Lastly, I wanted to ask you a question:     
If you were them you would like to help you?


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