Friday 28 November 2014

The 5 most poisonous animals in the world

1.Sea wasp

The first is the sea wasp.This jelllyfish,that is found primarily in the coastal waters of Australia,is capable to kill a person just by touching.The jellyfish has tentacles up to 3 metres long,with a powerful poison.The pain caused is unbearable,and if the victim isn't treated inmediately,can die in just 3 minutes.
The amount of released poison is capable of killing six people.

2.Golden frog

Also known as golden dart frog inhabits the coasts of Colombia and rainforest.Thisfrog is covered with a kind of poisonous alkaloid(batraciotoxina),which is extremely poisonous and deadly.
Most impressive is that it has about 1 miligram of poison spread through his body,more than enough to kill 10,000 mice or 2 African elephants,and can kill around 10-20 humans with the same amount of poison.

3.Blue-ringed octopus

In the third in our list are the blue-ringed octopus.As its name, its main feature is the design of rings blue and color, black blues on his body, with his yellow skin.Generally live in pools of water of the Pacific,from Australia to Japan and mainly eat crabs.
Believe it or not, this octopus measured only 12-20cm, and its venom is capable of killing a pair of humam beings, it contains tetrodotoxin, a potent neurotoxin that produces a motor paralysis in just a few minutes, leads a heart attack and can cause death within a few minutes.

4.Interior taipan

This snake native to Australia, is considered the most poisonous in the world.
The Taipan interior is capable of launching 44mgof poison and there are records of cases where it has released 110mg, enough to kill over 100 people or 250,000 mice.
Despite its lethality,this snake is very shy,so he prefers to run away from a threat before dealing with it.
An impressive fact is that their poison is 200 times more toxic than rattlessnakes and 50 more than that of a cobra.


This carnivorous fish liives mainly in rocky reefs, between the Pacific and Indian Ocean.
Did you know that is the most venemous fish in the word?.
Their poison is so powerful as that of a cobra and within the symptoms found in those affected, include headache,vomiting and hypertension.

Finally, I have to tell you that if you see any of these animals,
you should run !!!!

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