Wednesday 26 November 2014

The culture of the Maasai

They are a historical people of a remote time, with its own culture,they are only slightly less than 1 million people.They live among the great worth of rift between Kenya and Tanzania.
They speak Maa, an oriental language, although new generations speak English and Swahili.
Most Maasai maintain their traditional animistic religion around mystical beliefs, some know Christianity.

His life is almost the same as that of their ancestors, their existence is governed by sunrise and sunset, and the changing seasons.

Maasais are shepherds and traveling long distances in search of green pastures and water for the cattle.His life,economy and traditional culture are related to the care of the cattle.
They aren't farmers because theis permanent displacement of nomads prevent it.
Maasai were considered the most fearsome warrior of the African continent, but today are disappearing

In the Maasai community, the importance and status of a man is measured by the number of animals and children that they have.In fact, a man who has less than 50 head of cattle is considered poor.
Families feel affection for their animals.In his songs describe the beauty of the certain members of the flock and affection with them.

Their cultural life is full of celebrations.The Maasai version of the age groups of children has less warrior,greatest warrior,adult child and elderly.After circumcision,the boys become younger warriors.When they grown,young people learn the customs and ceremonies that mark the transition from childhood to maturity.The warrior who achieves kill a lion with his spear will be respected by all and will wear the mane of the lion.

When they are about 30 years,the warriors enter the last phase of their transition to adulthood.
The entire group of 30 years will cease to be a warrior, for purchase responsibilities in the social life of the village.The celebrations reaches its high point when mothers are preparing to cut the hair of their children (this symbolizes that leave the status of warrior).
Maasai were considered the most fearsome warriors of the African continent,but today are disappearing.

I add a video where you can see them dance

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